How To Loose That Stubborn Fat ?

Do you want to loose your belly or tummy fat in a week or month? Do you want a perfect shape of your face in a limited or quick time? Then this article is not for you. Trust me getting in shape is not a easy task or neither it can be done in weeks or month. You have to do lots of hard work on your body and have to be patience to feel the changes or result. 
I used to be fat and now after 3 months target i can now say that i shred lots of bad fat from my body and from face too and get in shape. In these 3 month i had to follow a normal diet plan with bunch of Cardio exercise. The key point of my success is that i was punctual in my daily diet or exercise plan. You have to follow strictly a healthy diet plan and cardio exercise. So today i am going to tell you my routine that i followed for 3 months at home and get in shape without using any kind of supplements (fat burner etc)

1. Drink Water

First in the morning you have to take a glass of warm water with honey. It improves your digestive system. later that try to drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily without honey. 
Water flushes out toxins from your body and improve bowel movements and kick starts your metabolism.
Things you must know that never drink water just before or after your meals. it will hampers your digestion system.

2. Include Raw Vegetable Salads

Secondly you must eat raw vegetables like onion, tomato, carrot, cucumber etc 25 minutes before lunch. Raw vegetables are full of anti-oxidents and fiber which help you to keep you energetic and help to reduce your body fat. Plus it will satisfy your hunger so that you can take less amount of food in lunch.

3. Low Fat Dairy Products

Low fat  dairy products. Dairy products contain saturated fats and to remove fat from body you must stay away from dairy products or you can take low fat dairy products if necessary .

4. Boiled Food or Vegetables

Fourth is eat boiled food or vegetable in breakfast or lunch. In breakfast i used to eat Daliya or Oats which are rich in fibers and in lunch i used to take boiled pulses or any kind of boiled vegetables. I never used any kind of ghee or butter in my vegetables to cook them and in my Chapati too.

5. Say No to Sugar

Fifth is you must minimize the intake of sugar in your body. In name of sugar i just used to drink a cup of tea in morning after that i do not take any kind of sugar or in any kind of product that contain sugar.

6. No Junk Food

Say no to junk food. For three month you should avoid any kind of junk or oily food. The more fast food you eat the more bad fat going to be stored in your tummy or face area. 

7. Do Exercise or Cardio

Start exercising on daily basis. There is lots of cardio exercise you can find on youtube to shred your body fat. 
Plank exercise for 3 minutes 
Burpees 2 sets of 20 reps for the beginners
50 Leg raises for the beginners
Running of jogging etc
Static Running
Side planks
i used to perform all the above exercise. In first few week you may get tired easily while doing work out but slowly slowly it will increase your stamina and strength. So do not try to work heavy in starting. Just keep it according to your strength.

Take Protein Rich food or meals 

 Increase the intake of protein in your diet Try to eat oats in morning or you can add 2-3 egg whites ( without yolk) in your breakfast too. You can tale milk, pulses in lunch or dinner too.
Follow all these steps for at least 3 months strictly and trust me you will get amazing results.
you can join a gym too for faster results. 

Things to Remember

1. Do not take water just before or after meals. Put a gap at least of 30 minutes 
2. Do not intake sugar or junk food
3. Strictly follow diet plan and exercises too
4. Drink lots of water
5. Do not starve yourself to loose body fat. Starving or skipping meal is not a solution. Healthy diet or meal is solution

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